Leading SA Care Provider

Our work


Leading SA Care Service Provider

One of South Australia’s leading not-for-profit aged care community service providers has invested in a 5-year business strategy and is developing a workforce strategy to support those needs.


Workforce retention that’s impacting the business: with flow on impacts to costs, service quality, capacity and readiness for reform. The provider needed external expertise to help challenge the thinking and address workforce retention in the context of the overall business and workforce strategy.


Fire up helped to get alignment with executive leaders up front on the retention challenge, the strategy, immediate actions for early wins and further steps to be taken. This included;

  • Gathering evidence, including best practices, data and insights from industry benchmarks 
  • Challenge the thinking and what actions can be taken. 
  • Identifying early wins AND more systemic workforce issues
  • Completing an evidence-based report for board communication and program leaders' next steps


  • Workforce retention challenge, where to focus quantified by data 
  • A workforce retention strategy to inform actionable next steps 
  • A step-by-step plan to implement the strategy
  • The evidence base to support recommendations
  • Early wins for workforce retention with immediate ROI
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