Facing Change Like Never Before
Today the best providers go beyond just educating our young people, it’s enabling them to become independent and successful lifelong learners, active community members, and citizens – to thrive in a globalised world. With a complete shift underway with the way learning is delivered, never before has this sector undergone such unprecedented change. For many providers, it’s the opportunity for a once-in-a-lifetime transformation.
It’s the time to reimagine how your organisation works: are you truly putting our young people in the centre? Are you creating meaningful learning experiences for them? With that starting point, you can then work out the changes in your business model, structures, and processes - with decisions that create communities that foster learning, whilst safeguarding our young people at the same time.
It’s time to think and do things differently. Even with an overloaded teaching workforce, it’s crucial to reach out and find the time to engage your employees to understand what will work.
The team at Fire Up Solutions understands the unique challenges and complex issues that children's services and education providers face to transform. Our packaged services will help to set you up for success.
Who we work with
Early Learning School Care
Higher Education
Youth and Recreation
Client Success Stories
Our team has been involved in some of the most challenging transformations in Australia.
See how we helped other clients just like you.
Where we do our best work
We specialise in human-centred services, we know the workforce challenges in industries facing high levels of complexity and regulation.





Meals on Wheels