Transport NSW

Our work

Customer centric operating model and culture shift

In response to demands for reform following the Waterfall crisis and need to improve customer service delivery, Railcorp was seeking to reshape the way it operates, transition the workforce and create a culture shift.

Worked with the HR function to facilitate a journey to develop the operating model that engaged all stakeholders to ensure a customer and employee-centric result.


  • Engaged risk, safety and operations leaders to understand how HR could partner to better address service and safety
  • Co-facilitated multiple engagement sessions with all levels of leadership to gather inputs for a shared vision, values and HR operating model changes
  • Co-designed an improvement plan for workforce capability and completed an organisational change assessment to develop findings and the roadmap for the next steps
  • Developed and guided a transition that addressed complex cultural interventions, health and safety & industrial relations issues


  • Set up the HR function for success - with an improved operating model
  • Provided a clear roadmap to achieve a shift in culture, ways of working to support customer and safety in a highly unionised environment
  • Created momentum to provide the right focus around customer
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