Tribal Warrior – Clean Slate without Prejudice Community program

Our work


Clean Slate without Prejudice Community program

The ‘Clean Slate without Prejudice Program’ is a grass-roots boxing/mentoring program launched by the local Koori community in association with the Police in Redfern. Started the journey with Qantas / Jawun to support the Indigenous business Tribal warrior developing leadership capability.

Continued working closely with the CEO and team, conducting an assessment and workshop to re-envisage future direction with the community, corporate partners, employees and the board. Coached and guided leaders to implement new ways of working.  


  • Developed a refreshed strategy and plans including a ‘grass roots’ team charter
  • Started to strengthen partnerships with community, philanthropic groups and education
  • Achieved community buy-in on plans to scale up
  • Lifted leaders change capability to bring the refreshed strategy and team charter to life
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