What is the Link Between Personal and Organisational Resilience?

Is it just us, or have you noticed some leaders believe that transforming an organisation means accepting that, at some point, the organisation or people will break?

That is just not acceptable!

If your people break, your organisation will break. You can no longer control or assure your services' quality through processes compliant with the latest governance reforms or risk framework.  It’s simply not enough.

Over 50% of care workers intend to leave the industry in the next three years, creating a real crisis of exhaustion. People are trying to keep up with the pace of change while also being overburdened with administrative compliance.

Tired people make poor decisions, with the risk of downstream impacts on client experience and compliance.

First, we must take care of ourselves, just like an airline safety briefing reminds us to put our own oxygen mask on first before helping others. Only after you take care of yourself can you truly take care of others.

This means starting by taking the time to take care of the basics.

According to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Neuroscience of Leadership, there are 5 key things that will help us improve personal resilience:

  • Resting - make sure you get quality sleep
  • Fueling - know what works for you and listen to your body
  • Hydration - drink lots of water, at least 0.5 litres per 13.5 kg of body weight - more when you are sweating
  • Oxygenation - get moving, and find some exercise that you enjoy doing
  • Simplification - how can you find ways to simplify your days - your brain will thank you for it!

The one unexpected MIT lesson is that resilience is impacted by complexity.

This means you need to keep things simple for your team. Be authentic and bring your true self to work. Anything else will take extra energy.

Ask yourself if there is a better way. We believe there is—and it starts with engaging your people.

If you want to find out how, get in touch with us today.

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