National Children’s Services Provider

Our work


The Y NSW - Reimagining Children's Services

This National provider has already put its name on the map with Children’s Services. Providing services to over 7,000 young people (5-12) and their families.

The provider engaged Fire up to reimagine the strategy for Children’s Services and develop the plans to operationalise.


  • Aligned the leaders and lifted ability to mobilise change
  • Completed deep dives on excessive workload
  • Conducted sessions to co-design the solutions: inc. contingent workforce planning / structures/ role changes
  • Surveyed families and principals and engaged front-line teams in ‘Yarning circles’ to gather stories and deepen understanding of system needs and priorities
  • From the outputs of listening, developed 4 core opportunities that could close the gap on the strategic market position with a Y point of difference
  • Facilitated collaborative workshops to reimagine how to bring the new strategy to life to meet the needs of the community
  • Agreed on a clear strategic intent, narrative and program governance
  • Developed an integrated plan that ‘connect the dots’ between the 5-year strategic plan enterprise program and the Children’s Services work program


  • Collective ownership for the intent to reimagine Children’s Services
  • Over 20 engagement sessions were facilitated, reaching over 80% of the workforce
  • Identified over $150,000 in savings
  • Successfully delivered virtually, including a major intent workshop
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