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Tabcorp - Helped launch a group function

Tabcorp had undergone a complex transformation with the integration of Tatts. A newly formed group function was looking to set up for success and partner across the organisation.

Fire up was engaged to work with the champion team and sponsoring executive to design and co-facilitate a collaborative experience to clarify the function's purpose and role.


Fire up facilitated ‘learning by doing’ through co-creation and respectful challenge and provided guidance and coaching to:  

  • Co-facilitate the strategy offsite session, including clarifying purpose, intent and shifts to new ways of working 
  • Senior leaders and owners to put in practise team initiatives 
  • Develop products for why, how, what, key messages and narrative to support organisation-wide engagement for the new delivery model
  • Support initiative owners to engage across the organisation using developed collateral


    • Set up the group function leaders to champion the new delivery model 
    • Helped to energise the newly formed team during uncertain times
    • Helped the team to improve engagement post restructure 
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