3-Hour In-Person or Virtual Workshop
The QuickStart™ package is explicitly designed for sponsors of significant change in organisations with high levels of complexity and regulation.
During this workshop with a Fire up expert, we'll work with you to develop a clear, actionable plan and business case for your strategic change. You'll discover how to:
Lift your capacity to lead human-centred change
Build momentum with our Fire up™ package. We'll get your executive leaders sponsoring change as 'one team'. Then, we’ll lift all leaders’ capability to lead change and get real work done with enthusiastic buy-in.
Take a 360° view to assess readiness with our Fire up™ Change and Capability Scan Assessment.
Lift your executive team’s ability to sponsor change, in a series of experiential workshops:
- Conduct a Fire up™ leadership assessment
- Explore how to operate as ‘one team’ to lift performance and your outcomes by 50%
- Get aligned on WHY - your purpose and value proposition
- Get aligned on WHAT - your strategic priorities and work to be done
- Get clear on HOW to sponsor change that fires up your people
- Tailor an playbook with messages and visual communication tools
Uplift all leaders with Fire up™ Lead Adaptive Change, a practical ‘learning-by-doing’ development pathway:
- Lift skills in adaptive,human-centred change and innovation
- Get practical tools and guides
- Leverage a proven blended learning approach for busy front-line leaders
- Put learning into practice with real work
Focus the collective effort to redesign your organisation
Listen to your people's needs to get the right focus. Co-design changes to reshape your organisation and scale up change. This package is an experiential journey facilitated by us.
In your tailored leadership playbook, your leaders will have everything they need to bring to life an engaged and connected change, including:
Successfully scale up innovation & sustainable change
We'll be by your side as you scale up innovation and change with your fully tailored plan and leaders’ playbook. You can tap into any support you need from us to sustain the momentum and get rapid results.
Leadership Team Effectiveness
Clarify team purpose, work better together and partner with others for collective & rapid action
Interim Executives, Coaching & Mentoring
Guide change and lift performance with our accredited coaches and highly experienced interim executive appointments
Visual Communications
Create messages, visual communication & videography tools to motivate and inspire action
Workforce design
Improve workforce resilience (mix, retention, demand planning), design and plan for the future
Innovation and design forums
Design and facilitate experiential forums: reimagining the future vision, design service blueprints and co-design new ways of operating
Assess your progress against our Fire up Change Maturity Model™ and agreed impact and outcome measures